
Int'l Robot Exhibition 2009 opens in Tokyo

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"D+ropop", a robot made of cardboard with metal joints, is displayed during the international robot exhibition 2009 in Tokyo November 25, 2009. The robot's maker expects this environment-friendly robot can be used as the new advertising media.

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Pet robot "Genibo" dance along with a music during the international robot exhibition 2009 in Tokyo November 25, 2009. The intelligent pet robot can recognize its owner and show emotions when it see its owner.

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A man controls "Wakamaru" (front) with a flexible sensor tube (FST) at its demonstration during the international robot exhibition 2009 in Tokyo November 25, 2009. With FST, a operator can remote control a robot.

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The "Okonomiyaki Robot" demonstrates its ability to cook Japanese traditional food Okonomiyaki , a savoury pancake, during the international robot exhibition 2009 in Tokyo November 25, 2009. The robot which has 15 joints, can take verbal orders from customers and use standard kitchen utensils.

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"Paro", a therapeutic robot, reacts as a woman pats during the international robot exhibition 2009 in Tokyo November 25, 2009. The seal-like robot has a behaviour generation system that generates behaviours like real animals and was developed for therapies, the maker said.

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Japan's Kawada Industries, Inc.'s newly developed industrial robot "Next Age" cuts ribbon with honored guests at the opening ceremony of the International Robot Exhibition 2009 in Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 25, 2009.

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Japanese engineer Tomotaka Takahashi introduces the new robot "Ropid" at the International Robot Exhibition 2009 in Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 25, 2009. Aside from supposedly being the fastest runner and best jumper among similarly constructed robots, "Ropid" also responds to voice commands, with either action or speech.

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Japan's Kawada Industries, Inc.'s newly developed industrial robots "Next Age" demonstrate how it can sort out items at the International Robot Exhibition 2009 in Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 25, 2009.

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A technician demonstrates operation of a robot arm at the International Robot Exhibition 2009 in Tokyo, Japan, Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2009.

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"Okonomiyaki Robot" demonstrates its ability to cook Japanese traditional food Okonomiyaki, a savoury pancake, during the international robot exhibition 2009 in Tokyo November 25, 2009. The robot which has 15 joints, can take verbal orders from customers and use standard kitchen utensils. The banner reads,"Okonomiyaki".

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Pingpong-playing robot "Topio" is displayed during the InternationalRobot Exhibition 2009 in Tokyo November 25, 2009. The bipedal humanoidrobot is designed to play table tennis against a human being.