Berlino, medals of 12th IAAF World Championships in Athletics presented in Berlin

Berlino, the official mascot of the 12th IAAF World Championships in Athletics, designer Elisabeth Warkus and Berlin's Mayor Klaus Wowereit (LtoR) display the silver, gold and bronze medals during their official presentation at the Olympic stadium in Berlin August 4, 2009.

A volunteer points to the silver, gold and bronze (LtoR) medals of the 12th IAAF World Championships in Athletics as she poses for photographers during their official presentation at the Olympic stadium in Berlin August 4, 2009.

Berlin's Mayor Klaus Wowereit poses for photographers with the silver, gold and bronze (LtoR) medals of the 12th IAAF World Championships in Athletics during the official presentation at the Olympic stadium in Berlin August 4, 2009.

Berlino, the official mascot of the 12th IAAF World Championships in Athletics, poses for the media in front of the Olympic stadium in Berlin August 4, 2009.
(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
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