Kill Daddy, Gigante, Absolute Evil and Mammoth promoted at Berlinale
Actors Itzhak Finzi (L) and Samuel Finzi attends a news conference to promote the movie the movie 'Kill Daddy Good Night' at the 59th Berlinale film festival in Berlin, February 8, 2009.
Actor Helmut Koepping attends a news conference to promote the movie the movie 'Kill Daddy Good Night' at the 59th Berlinale film festival in Berlin, February 8, 2009.

Actress Sabine Timoteo attends a news conference to promote the movie the movie 'Kill Daddy Good Night' at the 59th Berlinale film festival in Berlin, February 8, 2009.

Actors Itzhak Finzi, Samuel Finzi, Sabine Timoteo and Helmut Koepping (L-R) pose before a news conference to promote the movie the movie 'Kill Daddy Good Night' at the 59th Berlinale film festival in Berlin, February 8, 2009

Actors Horacio Camandule (L) and Leonor Svarcas arrive for the screening of the movie 'Gigante' at the 59th Berlinale film festival in Berlin, February 8, 2009.

Actress Leonor Svarcas arrives for screening of the movie 'Gigante' at the 59th Berlinale film festival in Berlin, February 8, 2009.

Actor Mark Irvingsen attends a news conference to promote the movie 'Absolute Evil' at the 59th Berlinale film festival in Berlin, February 8, 2009

Actress Carolyn Neff attends a news conference to promote the movie 'Absolute Evil' at the 59th Berlinale film festival in Berlin, February 8, 2009.

Director Ulli Lommel attends a news conference to promote the movie 'Absolute Evil' at the 59th Berlinale film festival in Berlin, February 8, 2009.

Actress Sophie Nyweide attends a news conference beside a plastic mammoth to present the movie 'Mammoth' at the 59th Berlinale film festival in Berlin, February 8, 2009.

An undated handout photo shows actors Michelle Williams (L) and Gael Garcia Bernal in a scene from the film 'Mammoth' directed by Lukas Moodysson, which is showing in competition at the 59th Berlinale film festival.
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